Marketed to teens and often perceived as a safe alternative to smoking, JUUL vape pens have been found to pose significant dangers and health risks to Columbus residents. In addition to the well-known side effects of nicotine intake, vape pens can cause seizures and respiratory problems including popcorn lung. Additionally, the Surgeon General blames JUUL vape pens for a new wave of youth nicotine addiction, which leads to adult smoking and causes a variety of health problems. The FDA has identified vaping, particularly among teens, as a public health threat which has affected many Columbus residents.
E-cigarettes represent a rapidly growing industry, with more than 20 million Americans now using vape pens. First released in the United States in 2007, e-cigarettes were not regulated by the FDA until 2016. JUUL, which dominates the market with a 70% market share, has been blamed for targeting Columbus children and teens as well as for marketing the device in a manner that makes vaping seem completely removed from the risks of smoking. The e-cigarette market is expected to exceed $86 billion by the year 2025.
Today, JUUL faces serious questions from Columbus residents regarding their marketing of vape pens. Persons and family members of persons in Columbus who have been harmed by JUUL and other vape pens are now filing JUUL vape lawsuits against the manufacturers of these products. Seeking damages for JUUL youth nicotine addiction, seizure, and e-cig popcorn lung in Columbus JUUL vape lawsuits aim to hold JUUL and other manufacturers accountable for product defects and failure to warn. For designing a product that looks more like a tech device than a cigarette, aggressively marketing JUUL as a lifestyle choice without warning of the health risks, and selling faulty vape pens that are prone to explosion, e-cig manufacturers must be held accountable for putting Columbus teens and adults at risk for addiction, injuries, and serious health problems.
If you or a loved one has suffered from health problems related to vape pen use in Columbus, you may be eligible to file a vape problems lawsuit against the manufacturer. JUUL child addiction lawsuits and Columbus vape pen popcorn lung claims allow persons and families harmed by JUUL vape pen side effects in Columbus to seek compensation for the medical expenses, pain and suffering that have resulted from this dangerous device.
First released in the United States in 2007, e-cigarettes only came under FDA regulation in 2016. Little is known about the long-term impacts of vaping, but some clear vape problems have emerged. Both the U.S. Surgeon General and the FDA have been highly critical of JUUL for its approach to marketing, which establishes "juuling" as hip and cool. The number of youth and teen users has skyrocketed, with many vapers unaware that e-cigarettes contain nicotine. Columbus families of underage users may be eligible to file a JUUL child addiction lawsuit against the manufacturer for its unethical marketing practices.
Respiratory problems are another side effect that has emerged. Because there is no smoke involved, many users mistakenly assume vaping is not harmful to the lungs. Persons in Columbus having suffered from popcorn lung or another respiratory problem from vaping may be eligible to file a JUUL popcorn lung lawsuit.
Another unexpected danger of e-cigarette use is seizures resulting from nicotine poisoning. JUUL vape pens deliver three times the amount of nicotine permitted in the E.U. (and JUUL is not available in the E.U. due to this danger). The danger of JUUL seizures is currently under FDA investigation following numerous reports over the past decade.
Critics say JUUL and other vape pen companies had a duty to warn consumers of the risks associated with vape pens. Instead, vape pen manufacturers developed designs and flavors that appeal to kids (cotton candy, for example) and left out key warning information. Vaping has skyrocketed in recent years, with more than 20 million Americans now using vape pens, among them 20% of high school seniors. Meanwhile, adult users in Columbus attempting to quit smoking aided by e-cigarettes may have experienced seizures or developed popcorn lung. The vaping industry is expected to exceed $86 billion by 2025; JUUL consistently leads the way with a 70% market share.
If you or a member of your family in Columbus suffered from JUUL vape side effects such as seizures, popcorn lung, or child addiction, you may qualify to file a JUUL vape pen lawsuit to recover compensation for damages you have suffered as a result of this dangerous device. Filing a lawsuit is the only way to secure compensation for the pain, suffering, and loss that have resulted from JUUL and other vape pens. Our attorneys accept JUUL vape pen lawsuits from Columbus residents and offer no-cost, no-obligation JUUL vape pen lawsuit case review for persons who match this description. To discuss your situation in detail with an attorney and to learn about JUUL vape pen lawsuit time limits in Columbus, please complete our online contact form. One of our attorneys handling e-cig injury lawsuits for Columbus will contact you promptly.
Many persons in Columbus who have been harmed by nicotine poisoning, seizures, popcorn lung, or JUUL child addiction wonder if filing a JUUL vape pen lawsuit will result in meaningful compensation for their family. JUUL lawsuits from Columbus will not be class action lawsuits in which those who file a claim can expect only a small, symbolic settlement. On the contrary, lawyers handling vape pen lawsuits originating in Columbus believe persons and family members of persons who have suffered from popcorn lung, child addiction, or seizure may be entitled to significant compensation. JUUL lawsuits from Columbus are likely to be consolidated as Multi-District Litigation (MDL), in which each claim will be handled on its own merit and compensation will be determined based on the degree of suffering of each plaintiff.
We will represent all persons in Columbus involved in a vape pen lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning our lawyers never charge legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. For a free no-obligation consultation please fill out our short online contact form and one of our JUUL attorneys handing child nicotine addiction, popcorn lung, or vaping seizure cases from Columbus will contact you to answer any of your questions.
This page contains answers to common vape pen lawsuit questions that apply to most Columbus JUUL claims for popcorn lung, vaping seizures, or child addiction to nicotine. To discuss your case in detail or ask specific questions related to your circumstances, contact our firm. Our team of attorneys handling JUUL vape pen lawsuit claims for Columbus residents provides free, no obligation case review. Simply contact our firm and one of our experienced lawyers handling Columbus vape pen lawsuit claims for seizures, popcorn lung, and child vaping will contact you in the near future to answer your questions, completely free of charge.
The JUUL vape pen lawyers serving Columbus at The Onder Law Firm have a distinguished track record, winning major cases against multinational corporations on behalf of Americans harmed by negligence and corporate greed. Our expert JUUL vape pen attorneys have experienced the aftereffects of numerous major drug and medical device recalls, helping our clients navigate difficult times in life by winning needed compensation. Cognizant of the grave nature of Columbus JUUL vape pen lawsuits for child vaping addiction, seizures, and popcorn lung, this national law firm has dedicated its significant resources to giving our clients the best JUUL vape pen attorney representation available in Columbus.
Our JUUL vape pen attorneys believe Columbus persons and family members of Columbus persons who have developed child nicotine addiction or suffered vape pen side effects such as seizures or popcorn lung may be eligible for real compensation for the pain, suffering, medical expenses, lost income and other damages suffered, by filing a claim against JUUL Labs. JUUL vape pens put Columbus residents, particularly youth, at risk nicotine addiction, seizures, respiratory disease, and hampered brain development. JUUL Labs has been called out specifically by the FDA for intentionally marketing to teens, using fruity flavors, social media marketing, and a techy-product design to get the young generation hooked on nicotine through JUUL.
JUUL vape lawyers believe that filing lawsuits on behalf of Columbus residents is the only effective means for persons and families in Columbus harmed by JUUL to seek compensation caused by this dangerous e-cigarette device. In many cases, it takes the threat of major lawsuits and settlements to provoke a company to prioritize public health over profits. The vaping industry is projected to exceed $86 billion by 2025; JUUL Labs currently accounts for 70% of the vaping market. Our JUUL vape pen lawyers serving Columbus are firmly resolved to obtain for clients the compensation they need and deserve.
Our JUUL vape pen attorneys for Columbus claims are now offering free case reviews to persons who have suffered from JUUL problems or child nicotine addiction from vaping in Columbus. The Onder Law Firm's JUUL attorneys provide experienced legal representation without fee unless they collect for their clients.
We will represent all persons involved in a Columbus JUUL lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning there are never any legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. Anyone who developed popcorn lung, suffered injuries as a result of a seizure, or has a child who became addicted to JUUL vaping in Columbus is eligible to receive a free, no-obligation case review from our attorneys. Simply contact our firm through the online contact form or the chat feature and one of our JUUL vape pen lawyers serving Columbus will contact you promptly to discuss your case.
OnderLaw, LLC is a St. Louis personal injury law firm handling serious injury and death claims across the country. Its mission is the pursuit of justice, no matter how complex the case or strenuous the effort. The Onder Law Firm has represented clients throughout the United States in pharmaceutical and medical device litigation such as Pradaxa, Lexapro and Yasmin/Yaz, where the firm's attorneys held significant leadership roles in the litigation, as well as Actos, DePuy, Risperdal and others. The firm has represented thousands of persons in these and other products liability litigation, including DePuy hip replacement systems, which settled for $2.5 billion and Pradaxa internal bleeding, which settled for $650 million. The Onder Law Firm won over $300 million in four talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuits in St. Louis to date and other law firms throughout the nation often seek its experience and expertise on complex litigation. For more information call 1-877-663-3752.